Interests outside family

I’m happy to talk and share ideas about all of the below topics, with reservation for the risk of going on and on for hours about them.

Business building

I devote the majority of my thoughts to business, and since 2023 with focus on Scratx.

My mission is to build our company with the intended customer experience as a guiding north star. Any product, strategy, tactic, principle, team, tool or process should be built to achieve the customer experience that we aim for. Process and organisation are secondary, and always means to an end which is the customer experience, not an end themselves.

Reads that influence my views:

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters

The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott

Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley’s Bill Campbell by Eric Schmidt et al

Paul Graham’s essays

No-code, low-code, automation

A field I have been curious about for the past few years, enough to start a company called Scratx. Please share must reads with me on twitter or linkedin.


Incentive structures in businesses, particularly those developing and distributing software, are often outdated and poorly designed.

One of my life goals is to design and develop continuously a sustainable and highly effective incentives program for a commercial organisation that does not allow for sub-optimisation or exploiting the system.

I enjoyed ideas discussed in a Tim Ferriss podcast with Safi Bahcall.


I’m interested in ideas about parallel societal structures, next to our current centralised trust-based systems, that offer distributed power using blockchain technologies. These can be both political and enterprise structures.

My go to source of ideas is


As a tool, meditation helps me experience myself. The outcome is that I can live my life more consciously and intentionally.

I’ve been working for over 3 years with a brilliant coach, Sebastian Wendeus, whom I highly recommend for any individual that seeks a combo of growth-oriented conversations about your life experiences, powered by guided meditation.

Sebastian introduced me to the teachings of Judith Blackstone. I enjoyed reading two of her books between sessions with Sebastian: Trauma and the Unbound body and Belonging Here.


It’s an absurd passion given the amount of time it takes, but it’s obsessively fun and highly meditative at the same time. I would play two rounds per day if I could.